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Information for Athletes

In order to be eligible to compete at any competition sanctioned by the OWA, you must be a member in good standing. This includes being a member of an OWA-registered club. Your membership must be renewed annually at the start of the season (April 1st).


The OWA calendar is updated as soon as information and dates about events are known. Upcoming events are added to the Upcoming Events page once registration opens or additional information is available. 


OWA members wishing to compete at ANY out-of-province events other than Junior and Senior Nationals must notify the OWA of their intention, providing the competition name, date and sanctioning body, by emailing the Competition Administrator. The OWA is required to notify the Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie whenever an Ontario athlete wishes to compete internationally and must confirm membership status of any athlete competing in another province.  


The OWA makes every effort to keep the website up to date, including policies, markers, qualifying standards, registrations, start lists, results and records. We also make every effort to announce changes and new postings on our News page or social media. For any missing, incorrect or out of date information, please contact us

This section has been updated August 19, 2024

Anti-Doping Reminder to OWA Members
Your sport. Your reputation. Your responsibility.


The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) is responsible for administering Canada's anti-doping program. Many OWA-sanctioned competitions are subject to doping control (SDC), including all Elite Competitions. International competitions at an elite level are also subject to doping control.  If a competition is subject to doping control, it means that the CCES may be in attendance for testing. The current version of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) came into effect on January 1, 2017.


National Sport Organizations such as the WCH sign on to run their programs in accordance with the rules and policies outlined in the CADP. As a result, their athletes -- including all OWA athletes -- are committed to participating under CADP rules and taking part in clean sport. It is highly advisable that all athletes familiarize themselves with the current CADP.


Remember that your actions affect the entire association. The OWA is currently considering repercussions of sanctions that may affect not only the athlete but also the coach and club.


Please find some very important links below and familiarize yourself with your responsibilities.


The OWA supports anti-doping efforts and would like to remind its members of the importance of being aware of all anti-doping requirements, including rule 2.10 of the CADP, Prohibited Association, and this excerpt:


[Comment to Rule 2.10: Athletes and other Persons must not work with coaches, trainers, physicians or other Athlete Support Personnel who are Ineligible on account of an anti-doping rule violation or who have been criminally convicted or professionally disciplined in relation to doping. Some examples of the types of association which are prohibited include: obtaining training, strategy, technique, nutrition or medical advice; obtaining therapy, treatment or prescriptions; providing any bodily products for analysis; or allowing the Athlete Support Person to serve as an agent or representative. Prohibited association need not involve any form of compensation.]


In 2015, the OWA received a letter from CCES regarding members of the OWA who may be training with or receiving coaching support from an individual currently serving a period of ineligibility, specifically pertaining to an American weightlifter.  Athletes that are found to be in violation of CADP Rule 2.10 could be subject to a period of ineligibility between a warning and two years depending on the athlete’s degree of fault (in accordance with CADP Rule 10.3.5).


Please be aware of the consequences if there is an association in a sport-related capacity with any individual currently serving a period of ineligibility.


March 2016: The IWF Anti-Doping Commission would like to specifically call everyone’s attention to a new substance called MILDRONATE (Meldonium), which is considered as prohibited. The most-used trade names for the substance are: mildronate, meldonium, Quaterin, Kvaretin, THP.


Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. There may be other medications, supplements which could contain mildronate (labelled or not labelled).


According to recent scientific publications of the WADA accredited laboratories Cologne and Moscow, 2-17 % of doping control samples collected in 2014 and 2015 contained mildronate. There are already multiple findings for mildronate in other sports in 2016.The IWF ADC strongly advise everyone to carefully review the prohibited list and comply accordingly!






ADAMS/WADA whereabouts compliance: please take this seriously. 40 lifters were not eligible to compete at the European Championships because they were not compliant with ADAMS whereabouts. Read the article here.




Anti-Doping Quick Reference Card

The Prohibited List

Canadian Sport Sanction Registry

USADA Sanctions

OWA By-Laws & Policies


The WCH has been working with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) to implement the 2016 Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), one part of which is the creation of a National Athlete Pool (NAP) which includes international and national level weightlifters.  Athletes who are in the NAP are required to sign the CADP Athlete Contract and complete an e-learning module on the CCES website concerning anti-doping.  


Some prescription and over-the-counter medications are prohibited in sport. Medications can be prohibited

in-competition, out-of-competition, or in particular sports. Carefully check the status of any medication you consume to ensure that it won’t result in a positive test. 


There have been recent incidents of athletes using banned pre-workout stimulants. Be sure to know exactly what you are using and if it is on the banned substances list.


You will find some helpful and interesting links below.


Upcoming Events
Next Event Location

​JAN 31-FEB 2, Club Challenge #2 

All participating clubs


Feb 22 - 23, 2025 - Ontario Masters Open, 

​East Elgin Secondary School, 362 Talbot Street W, Aylmer, ON, N5H 2N6

© Copyright Ontario Weightlifting Association. All rights reserved.


18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, ON, M5C 1C4

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