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Lifetime Achievement Awards

The Ontario Weightlifting Association Lifetime Achievement Award was established in order to recognize the contribution of longstanding OWA members.  The award is presented to all eligible members for their ongoing dedication and continued commitment to the sport of weightlifting and the advancement of the Ontario Weightlifting Association.   


The Lifetime Achievement Award consists of both the 25-Year Club and the 35-Year Club and is presented annually in November at the Ontario Championships.


Please submit nominations to the 25-Year Club or 35-Year Club to the OWA through this link at least 60 days prior to the Ontario Championships. The submission will include the candidate's name, club, first year of OWA membership and a brief history of contribution and may be submitted by an OWA member/club or by self-nominating. 

35-Year Club

Paul Barrett

Craig Bowman

Don Buchanan, Apollo Barbell Club*

Joel Carr-Braint

Ken Carr-Braint*

John Case, London Atlas Weightlifting Club

Iain Douglas, Garden City

Mike Gibbons

Ray Hamilton

Wilf Harcourt*

Bob Leclair, Sudbury Weightlifting Club

Jason MacLean, Team MAC Weightlifting

Don MacNeill, Apollo Barbell Club

Ken Miller, Blue Mountain Weightlifting Club

Larry Robinson, Garage Gym Weightlifting

Daniel Robitaille

Aldo Roy

Bob Santavy*

Dalas Santavy, Santavy Weightlifting

Don Schoures, Sawmill Weightlifting Club*

Larry Sheppard, Norsemen & Valkyries Weightlifting Club

Cal Stevenson*

Stephen Tanner, Garden City Weightlifting Club

Harry Vinkenvleugel

Maria Vinkenvleugel 

Bob Walt, Apollo Barbell Club

Ian Webb, Orillia Trojans

Larry Yessie, Garage Gym Weightlifting



25-Year Club

Jill Miller, Blue Mountain Weightlifting Club

Akos Sandor

Steven Sandor

Daniel Paré

François Gravelle

Alex Fera

Craig Vandeweghe


While members of the 35-Year Club receive a complimentary OWA membership, we ask that you update us annually to aid in keeping our records current. 


Dalas Santavy and Jason MacLean, with OWA President Mike Miller, receives the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2021 Ontario Championships. 

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